Can birds drink from a bowl?

Can birds drink from a bowl?

Birds like humans need fresh and clean water for drinking and bathing. Most birds drink water every day. They also enjoy bathing to clean their plumage and eliminate parasites. Providing water improves habitat for birds and increases your chances of observing their interesting behaviors up close!

 Want to attract more birds to your balcony, roof patio, or yard? Include a water bowl and a few things that are more attractive items like food and toys.

It is essential to note that birds do not enjoy drinking water from a deep bowl because they could fall in and drown. Therefore, If you want to feed your birds some water, put out a large shallow bowl plate with an edge that they can perch.

While some bird owners encourage their birds to drink from bowls, other bird owners prefer using a water bottle because it reduces the risk of contamination. Compared to the more traditional open water bowl, a water bottle looks nicer and, in many cases, actually prevents undesirable behaviors connected with stress such as feather plucking.



How to feed your birds water from a bowl

When leaving out water in a bowl at your bird feeding station, know that drinking water becomes problematic in regards to staying fresh.

Given the right circumstances, we would suggest positioning the water bowl higher up, but in reality, this doesn't work due to the perching birds above, pooping from above into the water.

Nevertheless, you can set up your bird's bowl of water by:


  1. Setting up the water dish/bowl in a way the birds won't dirty the water squabbling over the food.
  2. You could also hang up a purpose-made water dish/bowl on a wall bracket. Ideally, this water supply is in an area that is visible and easily accessible to all birds.



Keeping Water Safe

Water stays safe for drinking when bacteria and other micro-organisms are not present in large numbers. Protecting the water from air-borne contamination is very important. Always place drinking bowls as far away from an overhead perch as possible.

 If you frequently find feces in the water, move the dish.

 Lastly, ensure that a clean and dry container is always ready to go, leaving you with more time to clean the other dish. Don’t just empty the water bowl, rinse it, and re-fill.



Avoid putting vitamins in your water bowl.

Most times when you try giving your birds medicine or vitamins, you tend to dilute these elements in your bird's drinking bowl. Avoid using vitamin and mineral preparations in the water for a prolonged period.

If you do need to use a supplement or vitamins of some kind in your bird's bowl water, you must change the water more frequently.

Believe it or not, some bacteria or other microbes may grow more quickly in nutrient-enriched water, thus necessitating more frequent changes.

If you do need to use these supplements, you could place them on green or soft foods. If putting it in water is a hundred percent necessary, we think you should change the water more frequently. This is because bacteria or other microorganisms grow more quickly in nutrient-enriched water.

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