Why tea is important for parrots

Why tea is important for parrots

In 2700 BC, the Chinese king Emperor Shen Nung noticed that water in his cup transformed colour when certain leaves had blown into it. He relished the mild taste of the water and so he continued to experiment further, brewing varieties of leaves into the water

As time passed, this practice slowly spread across countries, and today, there are many variations of teas and brands to choose from. In today's world, tea constitutes an important part of so many cultures around the world, including English, Turks, and Vietnam.

Can You Give Your Parrot Tea?

Tea can improve a parrot’s life when offered correctly. It introduces additional nutrients to the bird and also enriches its life experience.  Feeding your parrot tea also supports numerous treatment procedures.

And the question; Yes, you can give your parrots tea. However, you must not give your parrot caffeinated tea or tea with theobromine as an ingredient. Tea is important to parrots because some specific types of teas can be used to fight against diseases, ailments, and in most cases, feather plucking. Many bird doctors propose that you store herbal teas in the first aid kit of your parrot. However, you should consult with an avian doctor before using herbal tea for treatment.

How to get your parrot to take tea

When giving your parrot tea for the first time, your parrot may be suspicious of the tea, so it is advisable you start with less concentrated tea and gradually increase the concentration as soon as your bird becomes familiar with it

If your parrot is still suspicious, try substituting tea for water when making rice, beans, pasta, or other food items that require hot water to be prepared. Alternatively, during baking, you can include tea by switching water with tea in the recipe for a muffin, bread, or any other concoction your parrot prefers.

Giving your parrot either black or green tea is alright as long as the tea does not contain caffeine. Some green teas go through a minimal process; this means that they conserve high levels of useful antioxidants which help in preventing conditions like heart disease and increase metabolism. Others may contain a unique blend of rooibos and probiotics and also vitamins that enhance parrot’s immunity and help them develop a healthy digestive tract. Since Green tea can be dissolved into water, you can include it in your parrot’s drinking water.


What are the best teas for your bird?

Chamomile leaf Tea

Chamomile contains sedative components which help get rid of insomnia, stress, and anxiety.  It is useful for birds that chew or pluck their feathers. It also helps the treatment of stomach upset. Teas from this plant include white, green, and black teas.

Check out our latest orders of Chamomile leaf tea here

Marigold bird tea

Marigold bird tea helps with dry skin, ulcers and stomach troubles. It can also be used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent for parrots and other birds. 

We have different organic mix is suited for all bird types here

Nettle Leaf Bird tea

This tea is known to aid the kidneys in easing arthritis. It is good for the skin, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and fights bacterial infection.  You can order some here

Harmony R Leaf Bird Tea

This helps to settle hormone imbalances in birds. Order here

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