Perches are very important for birds. They are used for standing, playing, rubbing, climbing, cleaning beaks, chewing, and more. They must be of different sizes and provide the opportunity for the bird to firmly and comfortably grip or grasp the perch, not just stand on it with open feet.

A parrot needs to be supplied with perches of different widths and textures to maintain normal foot health. Make sure you have at least 5 to 10 nests to allow your bird a more natural habitat.

Why is it important to know about perches for a bird keeper? 

Birds are on their feet 24hour a day. Understanding the perch, foot dynamic will help ensure a high quality of life for your bird, mostly because with birds, we think of long-term companionship.


Manzanita Perches

These woods offer solidness as well as typically have uneven surfaces with knurls and hitches. The fluctuating distance across these perches prompts the parrot feet to continually change, consequently giving the required foot work out.


Grooming Perches

Terra-Cotta, Concrete, Sand commonly called grooming perches. It can help your parrot nails and beak stay trimmed. With this Grooming Perche you will notice your bird scraping its beak on it; much like rubbing a knife blade against a sharpening stone. Grooming perches are not intended to be dozed on as the steady scraped area will make mischief to their feet after some time. It's ideal for putting grooming perches close to food dishes. Parrot is dynamic when eating. Parrots prefer to eliminate particulate from their beaks and scratching their snouts on grooming perches.


Hagen and Prevue Grooming perches

Some perches are made of concrete, but we prefer Hagen and Prevue grooming perches for their bird foot-friendly abrasive surface. They won’t necessarily let you skip nail trimming but can keep points blunt. When sizing grooming perches, the feet should not completely wrap around the perch, so nails are dragged over the rough surface to keep them from getting sharp. 


Shower Perches

PVC is famous for shower perches. PVC is found in everything from the scramble of your vehicle to vinyl windows and more. It's impervious to scratches, temperature change and will take pretty much any maltreatment. Ideal material for parrots! It's likewise simple to clean due to the non-permeable surface. The downside to the smooth surface of PVC is that a flying bird may in a real sense sneak off. In case of roughness; your PVC can be restored by just scouring emery or little coarseness sandpaper along the length of the roost.


Natural fibre perches

Rope and normal fibre perches have a different feel compared to the harder perches. These types of perches offer your bird’s feet relief from hardening wooden perches, they are also suitable for bird’s with impairments. Nonetheless, since they are so delicate, they welcome biting and can get frayed. These frayed parts can without much stretch snare toes and nails.


Shelf perches

Shelf perches are one of the best options when choosing your Perche and are mostly positioned at the corner of the confine. They also allow your bird’s feet to stretch and it is an extraordinary stage for toy play and eating. They are very simple to introduce and clean.


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