
Kakariki Parrot Supplies

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The small and stunningly colourful Kakariki is a Parakeet which is popular here in the UK. Our bird food for Kakarikis has gained in popularity over the last year with them becoming ever more popular. Bird seed for a Kakariki should be clean and dust free, these Parakeets tend to love fruit and we have a great choice of tropical fruit for birds and dried fruit treat mixes.

Our Johnston & Jeff fruity bird seed and our AS30 no peanut no sunflower seed with added berries are the 2 most popular. Don`t forget, it's nice to change and vary your bird's diet so they don't get bored eating the same thing.

Kakariki treats tend to be fruity too, fruit cup jellies are very popular (don`t forget the fruit cup jelly holders and toys we have available also to make treating your birds that bit more adventurous). Also cooked and soaked foods go down very well with Kakarikis and Parakeets. Higgins worldly cuisines available in several different flavours, smells and tastes delicious.

Bird cages for Kakariki Parakeets are important, the bar spacing must be correct to ensure their safety. Bird cages with small bar spacing are available in this section in small and medium sized bird cages suited to Kakariki. They are of course, from the leading UK brands Rainforest and Liberta cages ensuring quality and affordability in one bundle.

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Our Facebook page will give you tips and ideas for toys for Kakariki birds, please do share your pictures with us.

You don't need an aviary to give your bird fresh air and sunshine, we have a selection of travel cages for birds which are great for your bird to spend time in the garden, or for very tame Kakariki we have parakeet harnesses available. If you harness train a bird from young that's the easiest way to get them comfortable using a harness and opens up so many opportunities for both you and the birds.