Bathing tips for lovebirds

Bathing tips for lovebirds

Lovebirds are very intelligent and affectionate birds. They are perfect for beginners, but they require a bit more work than other species. They are best kept in pairs since they require so much attention and affection.

Lovebirds are a beautiful sight for many pet owners. Some lovebirds love water and would bathe readily, while others are scared of water and make bathing hard. Bathing your lovebird helps in cleaning its feathers of bird dust and makes it feel less itchy. Also, a clean bird equals a clean environment, which is safer for both the birds and the owners.

Your lovebird needs to take a bath at least once a week in winter and daily (if possible) during summer.

Even though most Lovebirds are stubborn, particularly when they are moody or bored, they may not take a bath even after many efforts by the owners. Here are some ways to encourage your lovebirds to take their bath:

Let your lovebird see how excited you are about the bath

You need to show visible excitement about the bath. Remember, your lovebird can read into your mood and key into your emotions. You can show your bird you are enjoying bathing by splashing your fingers in the bowl and making "excited" sounds.

Ensure there are leafy vegetables floating in bathwater

Your Lovebird may want to bathe but may be too scared to jump in at the same time. To help abate the fear when this happens, make sure you include some spinach leaves or cilantro leaves in your bird's water bowl. This way, your pets won't get frightened of the water and will probably plunge in on their own.

Make sure you make use of a basin

If your lovebird doesn't like bathing in a bowl, try making use of a basin. Make sure the stream from the water is thin and warm. Your pet would likely want to sit under the sprinkling water and bathe in the basin rather than its bowl.

Spice things up! Use different utensils

Try using different utensils when your pets want to bathe. Your Lovebird would get bored of the routine and may object to the bath if there is nothing exciting or new going on during the process. Lovebirds love new things. Lovebird Healthcare products can come in handy.

Try Spray Bathing

If none of the techniques we listed above don't work, try spray bathing your lovebirds. You could do this by taking a spray bottle and filling it with warm water. After doing that, you can spray the water slowly on your pet's body. Your lovebird may run around in the cage for a minute, but it will later settle down and enjoy the spray bath.

You could give your lovebird a Cage-mounted bath. 

This is a specially designed bath that is attached to the side of the cage. One benefit of this bath is that the floor for this cage type does not get as wet as the bowl bath. This hinges, of course, on the energy level of your bathing bird

Bathing is essential for keeping our lovebirds clean and healthy. Though they have different moods, lovebirds can be motivated to take a bath. 

Other bathing tips for your lovebird:

  1. Do not try to use soap — it can strip your bird's feathers of the essential oils.
  2. Make sure you clean and rinse your sinks well before using them to bathe your bird. Residual gasses and germs could hurt your pet.
  3. Conversely, to safeguard you and your family, clean the bath area after your bird has finished.
  4. Finally, during bath time, always make sure your pet is kept out of drafts and is comfortable while drying. Those feathers are helpful, but even birds like a little extra warmth when they are done with their bath.

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