Conures are multiple, much-defined group of little to average-sized parrots. They belong to the respective class of long-tailed New World parrot tribe Arinae. Conure can vary from big parakeets to little parrots found in the Western Hemisphere. For people who have never had a parrot as a pet, Green-cheeked conures are the best choice for them. They are small in size and have an adoring nature, which make it fun to play with them and easier to make them learn new tricks. Also, they don't make much noise compared to some other species of parrots.



Conures are fun-loving animals and feel dejected when left alone. They need companionship and want human interaction for at least two hours per day and should not be left alone for frequently, especially for long periods. You should spend quality time with your bird to make them feel like they are living with their flock. Due to how attractive Conures are, there are in high demand and their prices are can be costly purchase. Their lively colored feathers add to their beauty and elegance, which makes them desirable pets.



The way you feed your bird reflects directly upon the health of your bird. That is why you pay attention to their diets.


  • They eat a multiple of seeds, fruits, berries, nuts, and vegetation such as leaf buds in the wild.
  • Some of them also eat insects and their larva. They get feed in the treetops.
  • You should feed them dark, leafy greens, melons, squash, berries, and other vibrant colored vegetables and fruits.
  • Birdseed should be offered to them as an occasional treat.
  • Once a month, as a special treat, you can also offer your bird wheat pasta or beans.
  • You can also feed them a cuttlebone to make their beaks healthy.



  • Very dangerous foods must be kept away, possibly life-threatening, includes alcohol, caffeine, avocado, chocolate, fatty or oily foods, cured meats, salty food (including salted nuts), and sugared products.
  • Always take a charge of the amount of food eaten or water intake by your bird each day. Feed them a range of fresh foods, fruits, and vegetables every day.
  • Wash all water and food dishes daily.



Black-capped conures originated from South America, and can be found in countries like Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. Black-capped conures eat a large variety of food types and are also fun-loving pets. Seeds can be an extra part of a balanced diet but should never be the complete diet for them. A combination of high-quality formulated pellets, along with a daily diet of fresh fruits, nuts, berries and vegetables, gives your conure a healthy balance. This type of diet is used to fulfill all the nutritional needs of your bird. Black-capped conures are mostly green with an unusual brown-black cap on its head and whitish scale pattern on their neck and breast.



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