Do Parrots Eat SEED? | Learn How To Feed Them

Do Parrots Eat SEED? | Learn How To Feed Them

Feeding your parrot an adequate diet is important because it leads to a long and happy life. A parrot who eats a balanced diet is  more active and tends to have a better plumage than a parrot whose diet may be lacking in some areas

Parrots can eat a variety of human meals but not all are safe for them to consume.


Knowing what types of foods your parrot should eat will go a long way in helping you make good decisions to keep your parrot in good health.

Below are some meals you could feed your parrot


Foods for parrots

  1. Large bird seed mixes:

Seeds should form up to a quarter of your parrot’s daily diet but should not be a staple. Examples of seeds that can be fed to your parrot include safflower, millets, oats, buckwheat, and canary seeds. Please note that sunflower seeds can be problematic due to the fat content and are best given in moderation only.

Check out some affordable large bird seed mixes here LARGE BIRD SEED MIXES


  1. Pellets

Pellets should form another quarter of your parrot’s food intake.

A formulated pallet is often recommended for your parrot's diet because it is created to be a nutritionally balanced food. A pallet should have the correct fat content, vitamins, and minerals to keep your parrot healthy. However, not all pellets are created equally. Check out some of our pallet foods for your parrot. LARGE BIRD FOOD


  1. Fruit:

 Safe fruits include apples, mangos, and peaches. Please note that avocado should not be given in any form as it is poisonous to birds.


  1. Grains

This could include cooked barley, cooked brown rice, and cooked quinoa. Other grains that your parrot may like include oatmeal.


  1. Vegetables:

 Vegetables are a significant source of nutrients for your parrot. You could feed your parrot vegetables like asparagus, beets, bell peppers, broccoli, butternut, carrots, corn on the cob, dandelion greens, collard greens, hot peppers, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and zucchini. Please note that fresh vegetables are always preferable compared to their frozen counterparts, although the latter can be given from time to time.


  1. Healthy Snacks

 Ideally, you should feed your parrots snacks formulated for birds rather than salty, fatty, or sugary treats that might be in your cupboard. Some healthy snacks include rice cakes, whole-wheat bread, no-salt-added whole-wheat crackers, but in moderation.


Finally, the answer to the question of whether to feed your parts seeds is yes.

Seeds in moderation should be given to your parrot. Since seeds are deficient in calcium and vitamins as well as other important minerals parrots need more of, an all-seed diet doesn’t cut it in the nutrition department.


 Scarlett has solved the seed/pellet debate by including both in many of its products for parrots and other birds. Not only does Scarlett include seeds and pallets, but It also includes nutritious fruits and vegetables in the same foods, making them even more delicious and healthy. Scarlett feed suggestions also encourage feeding behavior, which is so important to the mental health of parrots and other companion birds.


Want to see some of Scarlett's meal and toy options for your parrots and other birds? Click here.

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