How can your Canary get to know you?

How can your Canary get to know you?

Canaries are popular choices for small pet birds. They are colourful birds with a beautiful singing voice. They are also lively, intelligent and they respond to patient, consistent training.

Although the canary is a relatively low-maintenance bird, it prefers to stay in its cages instead of being taken out and handled. To choose a canary and determine if the bird is right for you, you have to figure out the colour and gender you prefer. As you search for your perfect canary, look for signs of a healthy bird.


Getting to know your Canary

  1. The first step in getting to understand your canary is giving it the right home. The canaries prefer rectangular homes where they can exercise and fly back and forth. Ensure your canary's cage is not located near the sun and provide quality perches to support its feet.
  2.  After ensuring it has a friendly environment, spend time talking softly to him every day. When it begins to feel at home, it will begin to respond to you with sounds.
  3. Your canary needs darkness and quiet from at night to morning to be healthy. Ensure you block every form of light at night.


Canary food

A canary can survive on just plain canary seed for some time. But a one-sided diet will result in it being more vulnerable to diseases and less productive as breeders.


For good health, your canary needs a balanced and varied diet, which should include quality dry food/seeds and various greens. Canaries also enjoy little bits of fruit (except avocado), but be careful to offer only what the bird can eat in one sitting so fruits don't go to waste.

During the moulting period, it is advisable to supplement your canary diet with egg food or nestling food. After the melting period, cut back on the additional fat and feed your canary niger and hemp seeds as their treat to motivate them to sing.

Finally, water is very important to canaries because, without it, your canary can die after 24 hours. Ensure you give your canary enough water.


They are other options of canary foods you should feed it. Click here CANARY/FINCH FOOD  to see more.


Canary Toys

Toys are great for canaries because they help them exercise, keep them company, and make your interaction with them easy.

Canaries do not need as many toys as other birds, but keeping a few interesting objects in their home will help them stay active.

Examples of canary toys could include vine balls, plastic balls, sticks that have leaves on them, bells, etc

You could also check out some affordable collections of canary toys here CANARY/FINCH TOYS

Canary health

One of the infections your canary could be vulnerable to is the mite infection. The good news, however, is that a mite infection is treatable if discovered on time. This means you have to treat this infection as soon as you suspect that your canary might have mites.

Your canary could also be vulnerable to canarypox. Canary pox is a virus transmitted by mosquitoes. It poses a serious threat to canaries, especially those housed outdoors with higher infection rates arising during summertime.


Did you find this interesting? Visit this link Scarletts Parrot Essentials to check out some interesting bird items.


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