Macaw Vs African Grey

Macaw Vs African Grey

If you are thinking about buying a macaw or African Grey parrot and can't decide which to get, this article attempts to answer all of your questions.

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Trainability- Macaw Vs African Grey

Both the Macaw parrot and African parrot  can learn "tricks." Even though the Grey parrots are by far superior in the terms of intellect, the Macaw parrot is far easier to train than the African parrot. 

The lower attention span of the macaw invites the trainer to short 15-minute sessions. Macaw parrots are more trainable than African parrots.

Energy- Macaw Vs African Grey

 Macaw parrots are Energizer Bunnies compared to the Grey parrots. Macaws would be seen constantly hanging, flapping, rolling, bobbing, and flipping around, never in the same spot for more than a second. 

Greys on the other hand usually tend to be laid back, serene, and quite chatty. At times they may have energy bursts, but they are usually content with the gentle rock of their swing, watching the world go by outside.

Appearance- Macaw Vs African Grey

There is nothing more beautiful than looking at all the several breeds of macaws. Even though the African Grey has beautiful shades of grey, with a red tail and other beautiful features, it does not compare to the vibrancy of the macaw. Scarlet, Greenwing, Hyacinth, Buffon's, Military, and other breeds of macaw are a beauty to behold. A fully stretched-out, in-flight macaw is a gift from nature.

Ability to Destroy things- Macaw Vs African Grey

Macaw parrots are very destructive parrots. They can easily destroy their toys if left unsupervised. A bored macaw is a dangerous macaw.

Even though African greys have a nice size beak, they aren't nearly as destructive. You won't have to replenish toys as often

African greys can entertain themselves by whistling, lounging, or looking outside.

To avoid this, plenty of toys keep them busy and prevent feather plucking.

Size- Macaw Vs African Grey

The Macaw Parrot and African Grey Parrot are quite impressive in size even though the Macaw has a size advantage. 

A Macaw parrot can be sized around 80 to 90 cm, depending on the type of species. 

There exist some smaller species of macaws which are called mini-macaws. These Macaws are just about the same size as an African Grey. 

A Macaw's tail is considerably larger, measuring up to 18 inches and an adult macaw can maintain its tail well with a daily shower. African greys are just the perfect size for some people. 

This is because they can also get away with purchasing a smaller cage than the one for a macaw and still save money.

An African Parrot's tail is short and red, which doesn't pose a problem.

Aggressiveness- Macaw Vs African Grey

African Greys are well-known to be mildly temperamental, and they do show signs of "a bad mood." Most of the time, the owner will receive a little bite or a nip, rarely anything serious.

A Macaw is usually a gentle and friendly parrot. However, macaws, in their playful manner, tend to play too rough and could do some damage.

Noise Making- Macaw Vs African Grey

The reason birds are such loud animals cannot be fully understood. Your bird can scream constantly for hours on end because it does not have windpipes. This means it will never be able to lose his or her "voice." 

Most parrots are because they compete with any other noise to be the loudest. In the wild, the loudest, most beautiful songs attract the female mate.

Macaws are significantly louder than Greys. The general rule to go by is the larger the bird, the noisier it gets.


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